Refrigeration counts for a major part of the total sustainability impact in FMCG (foods) manufacturing sites and in chilled/frozen cold storage.  Negative impact on the local and global environment is multiple:

  • Most of the refrigerants used are ozone depleting or heavy global warming substances.
  • Energy required for driving the refrigeration systems represent a major CO2 emission.
  • Release of the low temperature heat from the refrigeration system to the local ambient is most effectively done by evaporating water (in evaporative condensers and cooling towers), being a big issue particularly in water scarce areas.
  • Noise pollution from evaporative condenses and cooling towers

End-user companies need to develop their strategy to cope with these sustainability issues. Should you only comply with minimum local regulations, or march ahead of the troupes, using excellent sustainability performance as a positive marketing tool for your business?  And once having a strategy, how should you implement your strategy with minimum costs and maximum benefits? Are heat pumps a potential technology helping you in achieving your sustainability targets? And what about Combined Heat and Power (CHP), with thermally driven refrigeration systems (e.g. absorption)?

We support you in navigating through this complicated journey, without any commercial interest in any technology or equipment supplier, but with thorough knowledge about and vast experience with all relevant aspects.